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Coaching To Soar

Just like the majestic eagle, you can soar to greater heights than ever before!


It's time to begin your journey of transformation

with my signature coaching framework C.I.R.C.L.E.

Hello my name is Bola -
I'm a qualified coach and
I help women and business owners thrive through transitions!

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  • Are you a professional woman wearing many hats including wife or mum, and you want to ensure you build your home with wisdom so that your family thrives?


  • Are you feeling there is more you want to achieve with your personal or professional life?


  • Are you ready to start your own business or need direction for your small business and not sure how to set yourself up for success?


  • Are you experiencing or anticipating changes to your health or circumstances?


  • Do you desire for more in your relationships?


  • Are you feeling stuck or you desire to be a better version of yourself?


  • Are you about to start a family and you are lacking confidence?

Through our coaching partnership, I can help you step back and gain clarity, embrace healthy beliefs and increase your confidence so you can control your direction and be clear on the options available to you.


We can work together to help YOU to manage and optimise your thinking, your time, your relationships, your money, your health, and your habits so you can see, say and be sure that more is possible!


There is never a better time to begin coaching and SOAR!!


My signature coaching methodology C. I. R. C. L. E. has the potential to bring about real transformation and the results and goals you desire in your personal or professional life.


Book a 15-minute discovery call with me today!

Every day, every week, every month, and every year is filled with amazing possibilities!

You have a story, and YOUR story is unique – it consists of different chapters of your life, your experiences, circumstances, situations, your incredible highs and your challenging lows, and perspectives.


No matter what your story is, you and everyone will experience transitions. These transitions can come about in many ways and at multiple times.


Transitions into spaces, stages and places!


Whether it be transitions YOU decide to pursue because YOU choose to move into the things YOU want and move away from things YOU don’t want like changing careers, moving homes or city, having or adding to your family, pursuing financial freedom, starting a business or becoming and pursing the best version of yourself.


Or perhaps welcomed or unwelcomed transitions you have no control over that have come as a result of unexpected circumstances like changes in your health, family or the economy, becoming a parent, facing redundancy or experiencing grief or transitions that are somewhere in between …


The feeling we have around transitions can range from terrifying to terrific. Whatever those feelings are for YOU one thing is for sure, how YOU APPROACH your transitions and NOT the change itself, is what will determine whether you have a fulfilling life and career.

I’ve had my share of transitions – I’ve lived, studied and worked in 4 different countries and I’ve relocated and moved homes more than 25 times.


I’ve been through a few job transitions with roles ranging from coaching, mentoring and supporting individuals to leading, managing and supporting teams; from developing and delivering government strategies to designing and delivering training to staff and volunteers of a wide range of organisations; from representing local authority at tribunal hearings to delivering speeches at international and local conferences; from commissioning and monitoring services provided by organisations to making decisions on appeals made by individuals.


I’ve experienced loss, significant health challenges and raised 2 children who have fulfilling careers and families of their own.


Some of the transitions were welcomed and exciting while others were unexpected and challenging in every way.


Through it all, I’ve grown and developed both personally and professionally as I’ve had to push past my comfort zone over and over again. I’ve become more self-aware and compassionate, and with faith, I have achieved and experienced more than I ever imagined possible!


Book a 15-minute discovery call with me today!


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